We are a diverse Anglican community welcoming the faithful and the curious.

We are a diverse Christian community welcoming Christians from all traditions and ethnicities, as well as persons with little or no faith to our English language worship services.

We have a good mix of professions and occupations among us. We aim to provide intellectual food for thought as well as interesting spiritual content to our service. We aim to worship with all our heart, mind souls and strength as we are required by Christ to do, we also worship with joy and good singing!

You do not have to be an Anglican to join us in worship.


We meet every Sunday evening in the cathedral at 18:00 in the Chapter House except on the third Sunday when we are in the nave.

On special dates we also meet at Var Frue church or other locations.

On the first Sunday of the month we have an online service at 11:00 for which the link will be announced on our facebook-page.

Other events

We also have a monthly study group online and a monthly Anglican Academy lecture at 1900 in the Waisenhuset - details on the open FaceBook page, The Anglican Academy - details on the open FaceBook page, The Anglican Academy.

Anglicans in Norway

We are part of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway, of the Diocese in Europe, of the Church of England, which is in a full communion agreement with the Church of Norway.