We are a welcoming Christian community in Trondheim with services in English. We gather every week to worship God, for Holy Communion and fellowship.

Our services follow the Anglican tradition. Whoever you are, whatever your background, whatever denomination, whether a seeker, new in faith, a questioner or a mature christian you are most welcome to our events.


Please do bring your children, they are very welcome.

Our Mission

Our congregation is part of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway, which through its commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ, seeks to respond to his call to be channels of God’s reconciling love and power by:

  • Worship, celebration of the Sacraments and teaching of the gospel.
  • Welcoming people from many lands and traditions into a caring, open fellowship.
  • Responding positively to human need locally and internationally.
  • Promoting justice, fair dealing and respect for God’s creation.

Services and Special Events

Throughout the year events include: Building a community and offering friendship is an important part of our mission of our congregation. Everyone is welcome! Look out for details on our Facebook page.


The costs of running a local anglican congregation are met by generous giving from members and Norwegian state contributions for each adult Anglican registered in Norway. We encourage all members to make a regular contribution by bank transfer of whatever size you can afford.

You can donate using the Vipps app. The unique number for Trondheim Anglicans #84886. Remember that all donations are considered a charity gift and therefore exempt from tax by the norwegian authorities up to a maximum of NOK 50 000 (in total, for all giving). You can also ask for more information on other ways of giving.

Membership and some extra support

In Norway the state gives some financial support to all religious bodies, based on the number of people signed up as members to each. If you would like to support the work of the Anglican church, we´d ask you to fill in this membership form which declares you as a member of the church. This action costs you nothing. Full details are on the form.

About Anglicanism

To learn more about Anglicanism, our diocese and the world-wide Anglican Communion [click here].