Three organs, six choirs, 300 singers
The church music activities at Nidaros Cathedral have a central place in the cathedral's daily life. In addition to three large organs, six choirs are connected to the church, with a total of over 300 singers.

The first organ
As early as the 14th century, the church got its first organ. In the Middle Ages, the choral singing at the daily services was carried out by the priests at the cathedral, together with the students at the cathedral school.
In the beginning, the students were housed in the chapter later named the Women's Memorial Chapel.
Today's activities are based on a long and proud tradition, while at the same time new ways are constantly being sought to convey the Gospel, through todays words, tones and new artistic expressions.
Participate in the Mass
One of the choirs normally participates in the Mass on Sunday; Nidarosdomens jentekor, Nidarosdomens Guttekor, Schola Sanctae Sunnivae, Trondheim vokalenseble, Nidaros domkor and Nidarosdomens oratoriekor.
In addition, the choirs regularly hold concerts both at home and abroad.