Spring and summer 2025
16.02 18.00 Nidaros Cathedral Holy Communion | Revd. Canon Joanna Udal
02.03 18.00 The Chapter House Holy Communion | Revd. Canon Joanna Udal
16.03 18.00 Nidaros Cathedral Holy Communion | Revd. Torhild Fikseaunet
06.04 18.00 The Chapter House Holy Communion | Revd. Torhild Fikseaunet
20.04 11.00 The Church of Our Lady Family Communion || Easter day
04.05 18:00 The Chapter House Evening Prayer | Lay Reader Susan J. Boyd
18.05 18.00 Nidaros Cathedral Holy Communion
01.06 18.00 The Chapter house Holy Communion | Revd Torhild Fikseaunet
08.06 11.15 Fjellseter kapell Pentecost
15.06 18.00 Nidaros Cathedral Holy Communion | Revd Canon Joanna Udal
13.07 11.00 Waisenhuset Morning prayer | Lay Reader Susan J. Boyd

The Chapter House is a side chapel to the Nidaros Catedral situated in the North-Eastern end. There is a separate entrance from outside.

Vår Frue kirke (

Kirkestuene - Waisenhuset
Opposite The West Front of the cathedral you'll find Wisenhuset (The old house for orphants in Trondheim). Today this is the office building for the cathedrals administration.
The Anglican Congregation uses "Kirkestuene" for meetings etc.
Adress: Kongsgårdsgate 2, 7013 Trondheim