For nearly fifty years Trondheim Anglicans has hosted a Traditional Lessons & Carols Service in Nidaros Cathedral.

Join us again this year to sing in the season with well-loved English Christmas Carols.


  • Nidaros domkor / Nidaros Cathedral Choir
  • Vik. domkantor Oddgeir Kjetilstad, conductor
  • Domkantor Petra Bjørkhaug, organist

The Anglican Church in Trondheim

We are an international congregation where people of many different Christian traditions and denominations and from every continent have found a spiritual home.

We are an English-speaking international church and part of the Diocese of Europe within the worldwide Anglican Communion.


The Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway, through its commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ, seeks to respond to his call to be channels of God's reconciling love and power through:

  • Worship, celebration of the Sacraments and teaching of the Christian gospel.
  • Welcoming people from many lands and traditions into a caring, open, Christian fellowship.
  • Responding positively to human need locally and internationally.
  • Promoting justice, fair dealing and respect for God's creation.